

Scooter Rental | What to Know: Renting a Scooter for the First Time

What to Know: Renting a Scooter for the First Time


If you’re considering renting a scooter in Key West but you’ve never done so, you probably have questions. For instance, you may wonder: Do you need a driver’s license? Are there age requirements? Are the rules of the road the same as those that apply to car drivers? Thinking ahead and being prepared is always a prudent choice, and this article will answer all the questions you have so you can get started with your first scooter rental.


How Old Do You Need to Be to Rent a Scooter?


This can be a little confusing since those who are 16 or older can legally ride a scooter. However, that doesn’t mean that scooter rental companies are going to hand out keys for scooters to someone of that age. It’s most common for these companies to require renters to be at least 18. It’s also typically in the rules that nobody under 18 can operate the scooter.


Do I Need a Driver’s License?


Yes. There are no exceptions to this rule. It’s required to have a license to ride a scooter, and companies will check before renting one of these vehicles to you. Make sure you have a valid driver’s license and bring it with you to the rental location, or else you can’t expect to walk out with a scooter to drive around Key West.


Are the Rules of the Road the Same on Scooters?


Yes. The same road rules that you are required to adhere to when driving a car to apply when operating a scooter. Pay attention to the cars around you, watch for signs near the road, and otherwise drive the same way you would in any other vehicle. One good thing to know is that many areas of the city offer scooter parking spots so you may have an easier time visiting attractions than those in more traditional vehicles.


Can Children Ride in Scooters as Passengers?


Most of the time, there is no reason that those under 18 can’t ride on a scooter with an adult. Keep in mind that you will want to rent a two-seat model so there is room for the driver and the passenger. It’s also important to ensure the child has a helmet in case of an accident. However, different companies have unique rules so be sure you ask before you sign a contract.


What Steps Should I Take Before Leaving the Scooter Company?


After you sign your contract, you’ll be shown the scooter that you are renting. Before you leave the lot, it’s important to look over the scooter for any issues. Look at the following:


  • Is the frame in good shape, without scratches and dents?


  • Are the tires inflated to the proper level?


  • Do the brakes work correctly?


  • Does the scooter turn on properly?


  • Do the gauges, high beams, and turn indicators operate correctly?


This will ensure the scooter is in good shape and right for your riding around Key West. You can also take a few photos of the scooter before you leave so you have evidence of its condition when you turn it back in.


Create a Fun Vacation with Scooters in Key West


If you want to try riding a scooter while you’re in Key West, you need to look no further than A&M Scooter Rentals. In addition to offering both one and two-seat scooters, we also offer a variety of bicycles, mopeds, and electric cars to make your vacation a success! Stop by A&M Scooter Rentals to check out the largest selection of Key West bike and scooter rentals. We offer bike rentals, scooter rentals, and even Key West electric car rentals. Check us out today!